How to Increase Your Fuel Efficiency


Fuel efficiency is a key factor when it comes to reducing your carbon footprint and dependence on oil. Increasing your vehicle’s fuel economy can help you save money on gas costs, reduce emissions, and even lower your maintenance costs.


Understanding what affects fuel efficiency will help you make the best decisions for your car needs and budget.

Buy a Vehicle That Gets Great Gas Mileage

Fuel efficiency is a hot topic in the automotive world and can make or break an environmentally conscious car buyer’s decision. Getting great gas mileage will help you save money on your fuel bill and will also reduce harmful emissions from your vehicle.

Whether you drive a hybrid or an electric vehicle that runs entirely on battery power, it is always best to select a model with excellent fuel economy. If you are considering a new or used vehicle, take the time to compare models and their EPA ratings to see what options and features will allow for the best mpg rating.

The size of the engine is another factor that can affect a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. A V8 engine may provide breathtaking speed and exceptional towing capacity, but it will also require more gas to run than a smaller four-cylinder engine.

You will often see the term “fuel consumption” instead of mpg, which indicates how many gallons of fuel you need to travel 100 miles. This measurement is more accurate because it does not take into account driving conditions or weather conditions that can greatly change your mileage.

You can improve your fuel efficiency by avoiding aggressive driving and by consolidating trips. In addition, keep your vehicle in good condition and keep the weight of items inside to a minimum. According to Green Car Reports, a poorly maintained car can lose up to 33 percent of its mpg rating and a well-maintained vehicle will improve its fuel economy by four percent.

Drive Only When Needed운전연수

Leaving the car loaded with extra equipment or baggage can drag down your fuel efficiency. Similarly, frequent trips to the store for forgotten sunscreen or snacks can really add up. Instead, plan out your errands and combine them into one trip. This not only reduces wear and tear on your vehicle, but also avoids unnecessary engine warming. Harsh acceleration and braking can also decrease mileage. On the highway, reducing your speed by 5 to 10 mph improves your fuel economy by 7 to 14 percent. Using cruise control can further help your fuel efficiency. Lastly, properly inflated tires can improve your fuel efficiency by up to 3%.

Avoid Idling

Every time a vehicle is idling, it is burning fuel and producing harmful exhaust. Excessive idling is a major contributor to air pollution and climate change. It also wastes money, and can damage engine components like fan belts and thermostats.

Drivers may be tempted to keep their engines running in order to warm up the vehicle on cold days, but leaving an engine idling for more than 10 seconds wastes gas and reduces efficiency. Drivers should turn off their engines if they are stuck at traffic lights or in drive-thrus, or when waiting for someone to come out to the car.

While idling, the vehicle produces carbon monoxide, which can be deadly for people who are not wearing masks or breathing through doors. Idling vehicles also release harmful pollutants into the air, including nitric oxides and particulates, which can trigger respiratory illnesses in children and adults, as well as asthma, bronchitis, and heart disease.

It is important to educate drivers and fleet managers on the impact of idling. It is also essential to encourage drivers to use a fuel efficient route, and to practice good driving behavior that promotes better fuel efficiency. This can be done through feedback, coaching, and training sessions. In addition, it is important to ensure that drivers’ vehicles are properly maintained so that they run as efficiently as possible.

Avoid Accelerating and Braking

While there are times when hard braking can’t be avoided, such as if a driver is unable to avoid a crash or needs to stop suddenly because of another vehicle in front of them, frequent slamming on the brakes is an indicator of aggressive driving and can be a major cost drain. Braking hard forces your transmission to shift into lower gears, which require more engine power and waste fuel. It also wears out your brake pads and rotors faster, which costs you more money in maintenance expenses.

Harsh acceleration can be a sign of erratic driving as well, and while there are some cases where rapid acceleration can’t be prevented – such as when a driver is rushing through an intersection to make it through before the traffic light turns red – this driving style is often caused by stress or frustration. It can also increase your fleet’s maintenance costs and fuel costs as the throttle is opened more than necessary, wasting fuel.

Monitoring and detecting unsafe driving habits can help reduce fuel costs and maintain your trucking fleet’s efficiency. By monitoring for rapid acceleration and harsh braking events, you can quickly identify which of your drivers is engaging in this wasteful behavior so that you can have a serious discussion with them about it. Not only will it improve your company’s financial standing by reducing fuel wasting, but it will also benefit everyone’s safety as harmful gasses are released into the atmosphere less frequently.